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Date / Time Calculator

Date 1:
Date 2:
Date Time

  • Date 1 - date field 1 in mm/dd/year hh:mm:ss format
  • Date 2 - date field 2 in mm/dd/year hh:mm:ss format
  • Result - field for result display
  • = - diffrence between #1 and #2
  • +/- - adds(+) or subtruct(-) to #1 number of days from result field
  • D1 -> JD - converts Date 1 to Julian Date
  • JD -> D2 - converts Julian Date to Date 2
  • GMT - converts Date 1 to Date 2, according your computer settings. Hour
    diffrence is in result field.
  • D1 -> D2 - converts Date 1 to Date 2 using hour diffrence from result field
  • D1 -> Sid.T. - converts Date 1 to Siderial Time
  • Clean - clean button

Transits of planets now
GMT: 9/8/2024 12:31:59 AM

Planets Zodiac Aspects
 (0/3):    15 52     10
I (-1/8):    09 29     7
 (0/7):    28 18     7
 (2/-3):    11 35     7
 (-5/4):    01 55     
 (-5/-3):    19 46     6
 (0/2):    16 02     10
 (-7/-2):    27 14     7
 (8/0):    28 52     7
 (-3/-5):    29 54     6
 (2/6):    00 00     9
 (0/2):    06 42     6
 (0/3):    06 42     9

  • Planet - (essential / accidental) strength
  • - retrograde movement
  • Zodiac - degree in zodiac, zodiac sign, minutes in degree
  • Aspects - aspect type, aspected horoscope element, aspect strength. Only aspects with strength more than 5 are displayed.
  • III - Moon phase



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